The Elevator Rescue
![The Elevator Rescue](
I am determined to rest a bit before another hectic day begins; so, I allow my half conscious state to linger. I feel restful as I think how nice and quiet the house is. My mind relaxes and my eyes close.
I thank God for the quietness of the moment. It may seem silly but these moments are rare and I just want to acknowledge from whom they come.
My spiritual oasis is interrupted by the opening of the door. “Mom”, I hear a faint voice say. “I am sorry but I think I’m in labor.”
Abruptly I snap to attention. I frantically run around the house gathering my things as I sprint out the door with keys and coat in hand.
That’s right, my hair is wet and it’s cold outside but a baby is on the way and nothing else matters. I look toward Heaven and say, “Lord please help me not catch pneumonia”.
We arrive at the hospital and I am faced with a delima. The mother of all delimas in my mind. The stairwells are locked on the second floor where I need to go. Which means, I am forced to take the elevator; something I would much like to avoid.
I try to enter the elevator as a very sweet woman says, Come on it will be alright.” But just as the doors are about to close, I grab the door to stop it while I catch my breath. I step out and say, “I just cant do it”.
I am ashamed. I feel ridiculous but yet I cannot seem to make myself enter. Why does it have to be this way. Why God is my faith so small that I can’t trust you in the elevator. Why do I allow my fear to overwhelm me?
I sit on the hard cream sofa located outside the elevators. My heart rate begins to slow and I close my eyes to pray.
I recite Phil 4:6-7 to the Lord and say, “Please Lord, help me to apply this verse in a very practical way today. Give me peace and help me just get in the elevator.”
I sit waiting for the strength of the Lord to come upon me. But, my focus on Him is interrupted by my phone. “There is another set of stairs. Go to the garage. You can get in from there,” I hear the voice on the other end say.
I have never felt so loved. I could feel God say, “I have made a way. I will not require this of you today. Go in peace my love, my daughter. Do not fear. I see you and love you still.”
You know God could have rebuked me for not trusting Him enough or the sin of doubt. But, He, in His mercy and grace, did not do that.
I was prepared for the scolding. But I wasn’t prepared for the grace. I was not prepared for Him to say, “I love you. Let me hold you. Let me, your Abba Father, show you My love.”
I traveled to the garage in the rain with tears streaming down my face because I was grateful for God’s mercy. God does not force. He leads. He does not shame and ridicule. He loves and guides.
I hope I never forget, as I encounter others with fears and doubts, to show the grace of God. I pray I never forget that even though man may taut us for our lack of faith and doubt that God sees things differently.
Many times people think, what kind of christian are you that you have such little faith. Well, I am the human kind. The kind that needs my Savior. And I will never forget the day He rescued me from the elevator.
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Romans 5:8-9 NKJV