Manic Momma
![Manic Momma](
Have you ever had one of those days. Maybe the day actually stretched itself out into a full blown week. You know the kind I mean. Where everything from the dishes in the sink to the dirty clothes in the laundry room are piled up. The kind of week that comes with sick children, messy houses, and nerves frazzled to the breaking point.
We ask God to give us strength to teach another school lesson or make another meal from what is left of the groceries. We try to fake a pleasant attitude. But, somewhere in the midst of it all we become consumed with the Manic Mamma. We would run. But the Mamma in this Manic episode is us. So, of course there is no escape.
Our children get scolded. Not that they don’t deserve it but we were hoping to be more loving and our demeanor more gentile. But, because we have had it, for today at least, we are aggravated, irritated, and completely overwhelmed. We think to ourselves, would June Cleaver or Danny Tanner actually loose their cool. Do those parents really exist? Well not in this house they don’t. Oh how I wish they did.
We sometimes push to hard. We don’t always allow ourselves time to stop and just rest. After all there is too much to do. We think if we just keep going, if we just keep doing, if we just………And then our worst fears confirmed, Manic Mamma rears her ugly head.
Was it that important to finish the last two math problems? Could they have waited until the next day? Yes they could but we didn’t want them to.
In the center of it all if we will pay close attention, something wonderful begins to happen. Our children begin to console us with hugs or a friend offers prayers of encouragement. God is rescuing us from ourselves. What love He has for us. What peace He wants to give. But, will we recognize it when it comes? Will we slow down long enough to embrace it? Sometimes, we must stop pushing, stop doing, or just stop and surrender.
It is so very often in those moments of surrender that we receive what we needed the most…..peace….comfort…perspective or someone to say,”It’s hard. Sometimes it’s crazy. But, God is here in the middle of it all if we will just stop and recognize it. ”
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
Always praying for you, Sweetie.