3 Ways to put Christ Back in Christmas

vbsandwinter 002My children are already asking when can we put up the Christmas Tree. They are so ready for a very fun season to begin.

But just the other day I ran into someone who was having trouble getting in the holiday spirit. They normally started decorating early but just couldn’t even get started.

I have felt this way many times. So, the way I see it we can fake it till we make it or we can do something about it. And since I don’t want to spoil Thanksgiving and Christmas for others I usually go for the later.

The holidays are not really about traditions even though those traditions make us feel warm and cozy on the inside. The purpose for holidays is to remember something we don’t want to forget.

Thanksgiving is to remind us to be thankful for all we have.

Christmas is to remind us of what God did for us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

So in the spirit of remembering what God has done, I suggest we spread a little love to get ourselves and others ready for this next holiday season.

3 Ways to Put Christ Back in Christmas

  1. Buy a Christmas gift for someone in the nursing home who has no family. The people who live there just love it when anyone comes to visit. Helping to make their Christmas brighter should remind us how fortunate we are to have family who love us not to mention that we are still able to care for ourselves. That is a blessing in itself.
  2. Volunteer to help serve a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner at a homeless shelter. Shelters are always needing volunteers. And, it wouldn’t hurt us to remember to be thankful for the food we take for granite every day. If it were not for the grace of God, we could be in a similar situation.
  3. Attend a worship service at your local church. Worshiping God takes the focus off ourselves. This reminds us to be thankful for what we have instead of complaining about what we don’t.



Tammy, a home school mon, pastor's wife, teacher and worship leader depicts daily life with a biblical perspective and a Southern flair. Tammy and her family live outside of Nashville, Tennessee were they enjoy family, farming, and serving the Lord.